Staff Mobility from RULE to UVIGO
MobilityRoyal University of Law and EconomicsUniversidade de Vigo 5 June 2018
Ms. Vandanet Hing is a researcher and lecturer at Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law (CSHL), Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE).
Ms. Hing conducts research on various topics relating to international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law. Alongside her research and teaching role, she coaches RULE students to participate in the Red Cross IHL Moot and Nuremberg Moot Competition. She also supervises clinical legal education (CLE) at CSHL and provides IHL training to pre-deployment Cambodian peacekeepers.
Ms. Hing holds a Master of Laws in Human Rights from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of law from RULE
She delivers several seminar as part of her DOCKSIDE mobility program to the University of Vigo, Spain.
For more information :
DOCKSIDE project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union