Training Session on “Conceptual Frameworks, IPBES, ecosystem services, DPSIR, valuation of non-market goods” Training Session on “Conceptual Frameworks, IPBES, ecosystem services, DPSIR, valuation of non-market goods”
Trainer : Associate Professor Eva Roth from University of Southern Denmark Training Session will be held at University of Battambang, Battambang, Cambodia on 26-27 June 2018. Please... Training Session on “Conceptual Frameworks, IPBES, ecosystem services, DPSIR, valuation of non-market goods”

Trainer : Associate Professor Eva Roth from University of Southern Denmark

Training Session will be held at University of Battambang, Battambang, Cambodia on 26-27 June 2018. Please contact here to participate


International organisations play a central role in shaping the framework and set the agenda for many researchers and scientists. In this process the organisations often develop their own conceptual frameworks and adopt analytical methodologies, which enables regional and global assessments in line with the objectives of the organisation.

The role for researchers and scientists within these organisations are multiple. We  compose the assessments based on existing knowledge and make both direct and indirect recommendations to the policy makers. We also inform the managers and influence the overall governance of natural and environmental resources.

Objectives of the course:

  • How has the conceptual framework and the terminology concerning “ecosystem services” developed within this century – examples drawn from IPBES (The Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, UN), UK-NEA and EEA (European Environmental Agency)
  • Which intuitive methodologies may be used to analyse the interdependence between nature and society – the DPSIR framework.
  • How are the working conditions for researchers involved in international pro-bono work.

Teaching methodologies:

The lecture will be delivered in English. The questions will be answered in lectures and exercises using and discussing.