Pierre-Alexandre MAHIEU <br> 🇫🇷 |  University of Nantes – France

Full name : Pierre-Alexandre MAHIEU

Gender : Male

Work location : Associate professor in University of Nantes – Member of LEMNA

Academic background :

European PhD, University of Rouen, France and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (2009)

Research Interests

Environmental valuation; contingent valuation and choice experiment

Articles :

  • Sandorf ED, Crastes R, Mahieu PA Left to right – line by line: The effect of attribute-alternative matrix displays on preferences and processing strategies, Journal of Choice Modelling,  2018, 19, 113-132
  • Crastes R, Zawojska E, Mahieu PA, Louviere J. Mitigating strategic misrepresentation of values in open-ended stated preference surveys by using negative reinforcement. 2018, 28, 153-166
  • Garcia S, Mahieu PA, Selected papers from the 2015 Workshop on Non-Market Valuation (WONV) in Nancy, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 2017, 98,145-148 (here)
  • Mahieu P-A, Andersson H, Beaumais O, Hess S, Crastes R, Wolff F-C, Stated preferences: a unique database composed of 1,657 recent published articles in journals related to agriculture, environment or health, 2017, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 2017, (here)
  • Mahieu P-A, Wolff FC, Shogren J, Gastineau P, Interval bidding in a distribution elicitation format, Applied Economics, 2017, 51, 5200-5211 (here)

Your involvement in Dockside : Co-leader of the valuation mangrove research project (here)

What is DOCKSIDE for you :

Dockside is a great opportunity and chance for European and Asian researchers to work together on stimulating research projects and teaching programs