Manuel Varela-Lafuente <br> 🇪🇸 | University of Vigo – Spain

Full name : Manuel Varela-Lafuente

Gender : Male

Work location : University of Vigo

Academic background :

Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Vigo

PhD in Economic Sciences by University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 1982

Research : Natural Resource Economics

Research interests/topics: Fisheries Economics, Institutional Economics, Fishing regulation

Research projects (Some of the most important you were involved in) :

“Economía y sostenibilidad de las pesquerías iberoatlánticas”. Funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Period 2015-2017


Scientific articles/conferences (links, pdfs…) :

Perez-Perez, M., Garza-Gil, M. D., Varela-Lafuente, M. (2017): “Fisheries Management under Ecological Interdependence: The Case of European Hake and Blue Whiting Fishery”. Natural Resources, vol. 8(8), pp. 569–581.

Dockside :

Your involvement in Dockside: Coordinator for the UVigo