Francisco Torres <br> 🇪🇸 | University of Vigo – Spain

Full name : Francisco José Torres Pérez

Gender : Male

Work location : University of Vigo

Academic background :

● Degree in Law, University of Vigo [1990-1995]

● PHD in Cooperative Law (Outstanding cum laude) [2011]

 Current position held:

Associate Professor of Commercial Law, University of Vigo (Spain)

Your research :

Field of research: Commercial Law

Research interests/topics: Cooperative Societies, Maritime Law


Research projects (Some of the most important you were involved in):

● “The amendment of Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law: European harmonization and Spanish commercial codification”, financed, by Ministry of Economy, main researcher: Prof. Dr. Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero (01/01/2015 to 31/12/2018)

● “The amendments of Competitions Acts: antitrust, unfair competition and advertising”, financed, by Ministry of Economy, main researcher: Prof. Dr. Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero (01/10/2012 to 31/12/2014)


Scientific articles/conferences (links, pdfs…) : …

●  AAVV., New trends in competition and industrial property law, (Editors Tato Plaza, Costas Comesaña, Fernández Carballo-Calero, Torres Pérez), Comares, Granada, 2017, 439 p.

● “Collaborative Economy and Cooperatives”, in Retos jurídicos de la Economía Colaborativa en el contexto digital (Dirs. Alfonso, R., Valero, J.), Aranzadi, 2017, pp. 177-195.

●  “Comments to arts. 31 and 33 of Intellectual Property Law” (co-autorship withl Prof, D. Anxo Tato Plaza), in AAVV, Comentarios al TRLPI (coord. Palau Ramírez, F.), Tirant lo Blanch, 2017 pp. 580-598 (art. 31); pp. 659-672 (art. 33).

●  “Regulation of Associated Work Cooperatives in Spain”, in AAVV, Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado y estatuto jurídico de sus socios trabajadores (Dir. Fajardo García), Tirant lo Blanch, 2016, pp. 169-182.



● “Legal analysis of the implementation of CSR in Cooperative Societies”, Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 21, 2016, pp. 57-79.

●  “Cooperatives between State control and the Collaborative Economy”, Journal of Co-operative Studies 49 No 3 (148) Winter, 2016, pp. 5-12.



● “Cooperativism and Collaborative Economy: Opportunities and Threats”, International Seminar “A Economía Social no contexto digital”, 11/07/2018, ISCAP, Porto, Portugal.

● “Cooperative integration in Galician dairy sector”, International Co-operative Alliance Global Research Conference, 21/06/2017, University of Stirling, Scotland.

● “Shipbuilding industry and intellectual property”, The eighth annual maritime law and policy postgraduate research, 7/04/2017, City University of London, UK.


Dockside :

Your involvement in Dockside: Scientific Committee